Member overview
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin - Berlin Experimental Radionuclide Imaging Center (BERIC) & Department of Nuclear Medicine
Key figures
- BERIC (for preclinical research) and the Department of Nuclear Medicine offer all modalities of modern hybrid small animal imaging with radiopharmaceuticals
- equipped with the latest state-of-the-art preclinical SPECT/CT and PET/MR sanners
- own R&D:
- R&D and characterization of new radiotracers and theranostics for various tumor entities
- new quantitative multi-parametric imaging approaches
- imaging in the context of in vivo replacement models (such as chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane tumor systems)
We offer
- latest state-of-the-art preclinical SPECT/CT and PET/MR sanners
- tracer selection, tracer production
- in-vitro evaluation of tracers
- radiolabeling of ligands
- generation of (genetically modified) cell lines and rat and mouse models (orthotopic, subcutaneous and metastatic tumor, stroke, myocarditis models etc.)
- conduction of the animal experiments and housing of radioactive animals
- image and data analysis, data storage
- post-mortem tissue and organ sampling for biodistribution measurements and histopathology
- consulting and study design
Please contact us for further information:
Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Brenner
Director Department of Nuclear Medicine