Member overview
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology – From Idea to Prototype
Key figures /profile
- INP is one of the leading research institutes worldwide in the field of physical plasmas, their fundamentals and technical applications
- Research division Environment and Health is focused on interdisciplinary topics between natural and life sciences, especially between physics and medicine and divided into three research areas:
- Plasma medicine: Basic research on mechanisms of interactions of physical plasmas with living cells and tissues; promotion of research and introduction of new plasma-based procedures and devices in medicine
- Bioactive Surfaces: Development of tailor-made surfaces for applications in the life science area; biosensors
- Decontamination: Decontamination and disinfection of water, gases (air) and surfaces (e.g. medical instruments, textiles, food)
- The branch Competence Center Diabetes Karlsburg enables clinic-related research, development and application of innovative technologies in medicine and hygiene. Innovative product ideas are developed and tested directly in everyday clinical practice.
We offer
- Plasma medicine: Devices and prototypes for wound healing and dermatology, concepts for developments with other indications such as in the field of dentistry, cancer treatment, internal medicine or ophthalmology
- Bioactive surfaces: Plasma-based strategies for the production of antimicrobial, biocompatible and / or biomimetic surfaces, methods for the purification and deburring of medical devices, concepts for the production of chemically micro structured surfaces (for example for microfluidics and biosensors)
- Decontamination: new concepts for disinfection, decontamination and sterilization; devices for the production of plasma-activated liquids for decontamination of surfaces; concepts and plasma-based methods for (waste) water, waste air and food decontamination
Please contact us for further information:
Dr. Ute Liebelt
Business Development Research Division Environment & Health