Member overview

EU Openscreen


  • EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (EU-OS) is a non-profit research infrastructure, which operates on a global scale.
  • We are funded by European member states (currently CZ, DK, ES, FI, LV, NO, PL, with DE as host country) and offer access to academic high-throughput screening facilities and medicinal chemistry groups in these  countries.
  • Scientists from academia and industry can implement their screening projects at EU-OS partner laboratories using our European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL), which is composed of 100.000 commercial compounds plus a growing number of compounds collected from academic chemistry groups.
  • Hit optimisation can be done at our medicinal chemistry sites.
  • All compounds will be profiled in a panel of about 20 non-project specific assays, which will deliver extensive information on physico-chemical, cellular toxicity and anti-microbial properties. 
  • Compound structures and primary screening data will be made public in the European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD), with the possibility to request an embargo period of up to three years so that data can be patented or published. 


EU-OPENSCREEN offers access to the following technology platforms on a collaborative basis:

  • HighThroughput Screening services
  • Medicinal chemistry expertise
  • European Small molecule compound collection
  • European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD)


Please contact us for further information: