Member overview
InnoRa GmbH
Key figures / Profile
- development and manufacture of intravascular catheters and stents, including drug coated catheters and stents
- Contract development and production in the field of non-active implants and catheters. InnoRa can cover the whole medical device development process from first ideas up to clinical trials, approval/ certification support and pilot production.
- technology is backed by broad patent protection
- Company is EN ISO 13485:2012 + AC:2012 certified
We offer
- Drug coating of medical devices
- Balloon catheters and stents
- Drug Delivery (using medical devices)
- Analytical services (HPLC, LC/MS)
- Cleanroom (class 7) and clean bench (class 5)
- Preclinical testing
- Large animal imaging facility
- Clinical testing for medical devices (CRO services)